Student-Athlete Spotlight: Jared Kish

Student-Athlete Spotlight: Jared Kish

The student-athlete spotlight is a monthly Q&A feature from the Penn State Altoona Athletics Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee.

Jared Kish

Hometown: Columbus, Ohio

High School: Hilliard Darby High School

Major: Rail Transportation Engineering

Year: Junior

Sport(s): Men's volleyball

In what ways do you identify yourself?

I'm a 21-year-old white male.

What made you want to attend Penn State Altoona?

I came to Penn State Altoona specifically for the Rail Transportation Engineering major. It's the nation's only ABET-accredited rail engineering program, and pursuing an engineering discipline that was both accredited and interesting to me was among my top priorities when choosing a college. Men's volleyball is a definitely good bonus, but I wanted to be a part of the RTE program more than anything else.

What are some of your favorite positive memories from your time as a Penn State Altoona student-athlete so far?

Playing in the ECAC championship last season was my favorite memory so far in my career, but I've enjoyed spending time off the court with my teammates playing sand volleyball at Lakemont Park or going to Curve baseball games. Playing in the AMCC tournament the past two seasons has been something I look back positively on, too.

Have you ever had any instances in your sport where you felt that someone was being insensitive, or in which you felt personally attacked? If so, how did you handle that?

No, and I hope it stays that way.

In what ways have you felt supported by teammates, coaches, and/or the Athletics department?

My teammates over the years have been some of my closest friends and a main part of my support system. From the upperclassmen helping me get adjusted to college life my freshman year, to some of my old teammates that transferred up to main campus coming down and helping with open gyms this offseason, I've always been able to lean on these guys. The athletic department has been a big support, especially this season by working with me to schedule open gyms and keeping us in the loop for our season. Finally, the trainers have helped keep me playing to the best of my ability through long seasons and injuries.

Outside of Athletics, how are you supported by the rest of the Penn State Altoona campus community?

My classmates and professors have been a huge help to me. From study groups, to tutoring, to helping me copy notes I may have missed due to a road game, my classmates have helped me academically in outstanding ways. My professors have always been very interactive and supportive of my learning, and some have come out and watched our games.

Do you have any advice or encouraging words for fellow student-athletes at Penn State Altoona?

I think the best thing to do as a student-athlete, especially a leader on the team, is to create a positive culture for the team. Be the guy any of your teammates can come to and look up to. Creating strong bonds among teammates and facilitating a competitive but positive atmosphere for the team allows your team to build trust and respect for each other. Be passionate about the sport you play, be genuine, and work hard!