Student-Athlete Resources
Below are lists of relevant topics and resources for Penn State Altoona NCAA Division III student-athletes. Please use the links below to access more information about each topic.
Additionally, student-athletes are encouraged to refer to the Penn State Altoona Student-Athlete Health Care Resources sheet, which summarizes how student-athletes can access some physical and mental health resources on campus.
Sexual Misconduct and Prevention
Mental Health
Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL)
Health and Wellness
- Adderall Abuse Among College Students
- Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) Calculator
- College Athletes and Substance Use
- College Binge Drinking & Alcohol Abuse
- Health and Wellness Center
NCAA Sport Science Institute
- Alcohol
- Banned Substances by NCAA
- Body Image and Eating Disorders
- Concussion
- Dietary Supplement Safety
- Doping and Substance Abuse
- Heat and Hydration
- Marijuana
- Mental Health Educational Resources
- NCAA Transgender Policy and Background
- Sexual Assault, Hazing, and Interpersonal Violence
- Sickle Cell Trait
- Sleep and Wellness Educational Resources
- Sports Nutrition
- Student-Athletes with Disabilities
- Time Management